CUSTOMER SERVICE CHAMPION Meeting | “Neuromarketing: How to Conquer the Customer Brain”

Πέμπτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Δρ Νικόλαος Δημητριάδης
Head of Neuro Consulting Services, Optimal HR Group

The real marketing revolution of our times is the understanding that everything marketers care about exists in the brains of the customers! Loyalty, likeability, satisfaction and engagement are all based on electro-chemical responses in our brains. If these responses will be in favor of your brand or against it depends on how well you target the right brain parts with the right messages. Doing marketing today without knowing how your marketing activities affect your customers' brains and shape human experience is problematic... and ultimately dangerous. Learn how the brain works, what it likes and dislikes, and achieve better marketing results than ever before! This seminar will:

- Explain why previous marketing approaches do not work as they should

- Showcase the importance of the brain for marketing and customer experience

- Present the technologies and methodologies of modern Neuromarketing     

- Analyze case studies of applied Neuromarketing

- Provide tips and tricks for applying effective brain-based marketing everyday