CUSTOMER SERVICE CHAMPION Meeting | “The Science of Persuasion: How to Communicate and Convince More!”

Δευτέρα 12 Απριλίου 2021
Δρ Νικόλαος Δημητριάδης
Head of Neuro Consulting Services, Optimal HR Group

There is a basic flaw in how we communicate when we try to convince other people. If this was not the case, then every message would be clear and confusions, misunderstandings and market failures would be rare. To solve this problem the speaker is using neuroscience, behavioral models, experimental data and case studies to demonstrate comprehensively that professionals should urgently learn new ways to communicate both internally and externally, and especially in sales. The two available options are straightforward: to continue sending messages to the wrong parts of your clients’ brains and achieve nothing OR to focus the right message to the right part of their brains and get real results.

This program aims to help participants to:  

  •  Fully understand the brain approach to persuasion, sales and customer care
  •  Explore how communication really works within the brain
  •  The importance of relationship building for long lasting influence
  •  Learn practical tricks for applying brain-based persuasion everyday
  •  Make your own brain ‘persuasion-ready’ and convince more!